Wednesday, May 4, 2011


One quote that we discussed that I really connected to was "Freedom is never volunteerily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed." People sometimes allow themselves to be oppressed. They're scared to use the voice they were given, so they go along with what they are told to do or what is expected of them. Some don't have the courage to declare for themselves. In life nothing's ever handed to you; you have to fight for what you believe in and speak up when you think equality is being overlooked. Nothing is free especially "freedom", many people take it for granted, but its something that should be cherished. One's own freedom defines them. Throughout American/World history our own people had to fight for their freedom. We went through wars and slavery so that one day we could stand on our own two feet and make a decision for ourselves. There were episodes like the Civil Rights Movement and the Holocaust that went on for years because the people knew they deserved better and were't going to stop unless they got it. Overall, its just important to educate yourself and know what you want in life and just strive for it. No one pushes you harder than yourself.

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