Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Poetry was never really an issue for me, I would have to read the poem a few times in order to understand it but, I think that's pretty normal. However, I would just read a poem just becasue I had to, I didnt really care about the connections the author was trying to make or the even tone and theme. Now, when I read poetry I want to get more out of it, there's always a hidden message I believe. Its a way to better understand language. The theme and tone of a poem definitely allows one to connect emotionally and mentally on another level.When you understnd the theme and tone of a poem there's so much more life to it. Each time you read it you learn something new, which is really remarkable. I really applaud poets for all the thought and time they put into their work. Even if it is really short, it is still a masterpiece in it's own way. Writing poetry isn't easy, it takes time, effort and patience but, the outcome is always pretty tremedous.

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